Monday 24 November 2014

Flu Virus:Symptoms of Flu Virus

Sore throat, congestion, and sneezing are common with cold. Colds and flu sufferers cough, have chest comfort and headaches. One will have a high fever with the flu for several days as well as headache, fatigue, muscle aches and overall weakness. In many cases body ache and joint pain are also reported. During weather change and climatic change Flu often affects us. The flu is contagious! If somebody sitting beside you infected with the flu at a public place, it can affect you too. Usually children get the flu from schools. Flu easily leads to an attack of asthma in case of asthmatic people. Having flu shot Weehawken time to time may help in getting secure. Astra-HC provides complete treatment against the flu virus.

Home flu remedies:
Two teaspoons of ginger with dash of honey helps to bring out the mucus and in soothing the throat. Drinking hot vegetable soups will help reduce body ache and keep the body warm. Black pepper powder and turmeric powder mixed in hot milk also helps to keep the flu and cold away. Brandy with warm water also helps in keeping the cold away. Fever automatically reduces, once the cold is arrested. Else flu shot Warren is the only solution. 

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