Tuesday, 14 March 2017

10 Effective Remedies to Cure Asthma

Asthma is basically a long-term lung condition in which the people are suffering from asthma usually have high sensitive for airways in their lungs which in turn react to triggers, causing a ‘flare-up’. The Asthma cannot be cured completely, but in the case of most of the people, it can be well controlled by following a daily management plan.
Some of the symptoms of Asthma include the following:-
The asthma symptoms can change from time to time and can even vary from person to person, but they are most commonly:-

•    Unable to breathe properly.
•    Feeling of wheezing 
•    tight feeling in the chest
•    Regular coughing.

These Symptoms can even get worse at night, or in the morning or during or doing some physical. If your asthma is still not controlled well, then you should contact the Urgent Care Near Me,

Some of the effective remedies that will help you to control your asthma:-

•    Benefits of ginger in asthma

 Take half a glass of water then put 5-6 pieces of cloves in it and start boiling, after some time just add one spoon of honey in the solution. It is a brilliant and simple remedy in curing asthma at home and should be consumed twice in a day for beneficial results.

•     Use of Ginger 

Ginger has so many qualities which are benefits for your heath and body. Even it is extremely effective against asthmatic treatments. Take the juice of ginger, pomegranate, and honey in equal quantity and intake it 2-3 times in a day.

•    With the help of Mustard Oil, you can get instant relief

Prepare a mixture of mustard oil along with some mix camphor in it, and start massaging it over your chest and keep doing this process until you get relief from asthma. Before applying that oil doesn't forget to warm.

•    Figs

Take few pieces of figs and soak that in some water for overnight. In the morning eat that water soaked figs on an empty stomach and even drink that water in which it was soaked.

•    Black Tea/ Coffee

The coffee and black tea contain Caffeine which helps in asthma. Its consumption is best in clearing the air passage and making a way for air to pass easily through those passages. You should not drink more than 3 cups in a day.

•    Eucalyptus Oil

Use of eucalyptus oil can result in keeping asthma under control and slowly relieving from the existing one

•    Honey

Honey is one of the best and natural ways to cure asthma. Take one teaspoon of honey and mixed that in a glass of hot water and start drinking it 2-3 times a day.

•    Onions

Onions are helpful in clearing the air passages because of its anti-inflammatory properties. So, if the patient is suffering from asthma then the person should consume more and more of onions.

•    Fruits and Lemons
Some fruits like strawberries, papaya, blueberries, and oranges have shown benefits over people, who are suffering from asthma. Even, lemons are the rich source of vitamin C.

Follow all these tips in your daily life and in case if you still find any issues then you can contact the expert doctors of nearest emergency room doctor for better treatment and medicines.

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